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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results:

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 36% | Middle 32% | High 29%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 22% | Middle 20% | High 22%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 37% | Middle 37% | High 26%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 18% | Middle 15% | High 13%

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading: 23% | Proficient Math: 28% | Distinguished Math: 14%

Community Work Transition Program

Employment Specialist:

Brenna Parrish



Program Goal: The goal of the CWTP and all services provided is community work exploration and competitive integrated employment prior to exiting high school.


How are students referred?

The student’s Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) makes referrals for transition services.

Referrals should typically be made at the ARC meeting held prior to the student turning age 14 or moving to high school from middle school.

Students/Parents need to complete the proper documentation to begin receiving services from the Employment Specialist.


Ask yourself: Does the student have time in their schedule to leave school (spend time with the Employment Specialist)?

Pre-Employment Transition Services: for Freshman and Sophomores who want to go straight to employment after high school.

Transition Services: For Juniors, Seniors, and Grade 14 (up to 21 years of age) once they have been determined eligible for services from OVR (Office of Vocational Rehabilitation).




CWTP Referral Form

CWTP General Fact Sheet

CWTP Policies and Procedures Manual

UK Human Development Institute - CWTP

Kentucky Career Center - Vocational Rehabilitation